Saturday, July 16, 2011

Swaping Skirts

Here’s a great & simple modification to the Hula Popper. During a tournament my boater was filling the boat with a black Spro Bronzeye Popper. The closest thing I had to it was a Hula Popper. But by the time I put it on, the bite had died. Although I didn’t catch anything, the Hula Popper had better action than the Spro Popper. The Hula made splashing bubble noises while the Bronzeye just merely splashed. To my surprise the treble hooks didn't get all fouled up when in the grass. I just merely tugged the popper free of the grass and the treble hooks came out clean most of the time. To make it look more like the Bronzeye I replaced the stock skirt with a black silicone jig skirt. It actually looks great in the water.

Modified Hula Popper (top) compared to the Spro Bronzeye Popper
I pulled the stock skirt off first.  Then I moved the band to one end of the skirt by lubricating half the skirt with soap and sliding the band to the end.  The skirt will stretch while doing this but don’t worry about it.  Rinse the soap off the skirt.  Using a pair of needle nose pliers, shove the point into the band and spread the band by opening the pliers.  Press the band and skirt onto the popper and make sure the skirt is spread evenly.  Then trim the excess around the band and the other end of the skirt.

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